
Looking back on last year, one of the more memorable moments was attending the Alere retreat in Wyoming. The retreat was organized by event planners The 12th Table and brand designer Lauren Ledbetter, with goal of creating an experience that would give creative professionals the opportunity to recharge and come back with renewed perspective.

The days were filled with activities such as a floral lesson with Ashley Beyer and Holly Carlisle, wellness coaching with McKel Hill, a brand consultation with Lauren Ledbetter, plus morning yoga, a private massage, a hike exploring the Tetans, and evening mixology classes.

Lauren and The 12th Table ladies couldn't have taken better care of us. At the foot of the Tetans the scenery was stunning, the food was incredible, and every detailed was well considered. Breakfast was delivered each morning to our individual cabins, and they even had yoga socks to keep our toes warm while practicing outside on the crisp mornings. 

I loved the opportunity to meet and learn from other, super talented creatives from a variety of fields. I left feeling recharged and inspired after heading on this adventure on my own, and exploring a captivating new place. I'm heading back to Jackson in March for a ski vacation with friends, and though I won't likely be waking up to a delivery of warm morning buns, I'm still pretty excited to return to this beautiful place.  

Alere contributors:

Co-Host, Event Design, Rentals | 12th Table

Co-Host | Lauren Ledbetter

Photos | Tec Petaja

Paper Goods | Chelsea Petaja and Lauren Ledbetter

Florals | Tinge Floral and Rosegolden Flowers

Cocktails | Aperitif Events

Partners | Nutrition Stripped (nutrition consults) and Claire Wallace (massage)  

{ Photographs: Tej Petaja }


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